• The literary Association:  The aim of this association is to create and foster interest in English and Hindi Literature and to promote the writing talent of students.
  • The Debating Association:  This association aims at developing a capacity for public speaking amongst the students. An annual Inter - House Debate in English and Hindi will be organized by the members of this Association.
  • The Dramatic Association:  This aims at discovering and developing the histrionic talents of the students. Inter-hose dramatic contests will be held annually.
  • The Leadership Training Service (L.T.S.):   Members of this service are taken from Std. IX. The L.T.S. aims to inspire the students, with a spirit of selfless sacrifice, in the service activities and spreading awareness amongst their school-mates and neighborhood about the socioeconomic problems around them.
  • Nature Club:   to inculcate a love for nature. The students who are members of the Nature Club will be organizing various activities in this connection.
  • Excursion:  The students are taken to various places of interest in and round Agra.A long distance Tour is organized annually
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