1. To ensure that their children come to School in time for the MORNING ASSEMBLY.
  2. to see that their children come to School well groomed and in full uniform
  3. to keep a check on the Leave Record, and the Late Attendance Record.
  4. to co-operate with the School by encouraging their children to diligence and honesty in doing their Home Work.
  5. to sign the Reports or Remarks by the Teacher made in this diary.to sign the Reports or Remarks by the Teacher made in this diary.
  6. to notify the Principal of any change of address.
  • Parents and Guardians wishing to meet the Student during Working Hours must arrange to do so with the Principal's permission which will be granted only in case of emergency.
  • Teachers may not be interviewed in the classrooms, and during the times they are engaged in teaching. Prior permission should be obtained from the Principal to meet Teachers or Students.
  • Complaints of any kind must be made to the Principal.
  • The School discourages private tuitions.
  • All Private Tuitions taken in the School must be arranged for through the Principal by written application from the Parents and from the Teacher consenting to give the tuitions. No teacher is allowed to give tuitions to student of her own class.
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Wazirpura Road , Agra - 282003 (India)



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