The Inter Class Declamation Competition was held on 26.7.24. Participants from Classes IX to XII participated in it, showcasing their talent through effective speaking and elaborate gestures. The judges for the event were- Ma'am Navina Sood and Ma'am Sumbul Ali.

The winners of Junior Category ( Classes VI-VIII)
Best Speakers
- Saanvi Singh VI A, Saanvi Chadda VII A, Nitanyaa Agarwal VIII B
1st Runner Up
- Suryanshi Jain VI A, Idhika Agarwal VII A, Aliza VishwasI VIII A

The winners of Senior Category I ( Classes IX-X)
Best Speakers
- Adamya Sharma IX B, Parthivi Bharadwaj XA
1st Runner Up
- Anishka Khandelwal IX A

The winners of Senior Category II ( Classes XI - XII)
Best Speaker
- Parnika Kundlani (XII Comm)
1st Runner Up
- Mishthee Agarwal (XI Comm)
The programme concluded with the blessings and appreciation of the Principal Rev Sr Leena.

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